NOTE: Miracles Happen will be closed on Saturday, 10/26/2024, and 11/2/2024.
Miracles Happen ReSale Store – Boutique Rehab is an entity that supports Steps to Recover Homes and the Community.
Miracles Happen accepts gently used donations and makes them available to community shoppers at reasonable prices. Some of the items available are displayed on our website.
We provide a physical shop where customers can browse at their leisure, and we also have an eBay platform where items are available outside our local area.
The proceeds of Miracles Happen ReSale Store support Steps to Recovery Homes and contribute to our mission.
Not only does Miracles Happen provide an avenue for us to connect with community members, but it is also part of our Job Development Program. As clients progress through the recovery program, some may enhance their retail skills by working at Miracles Happen.
Delivery rates
Miracles Happen Resale Store – Boutique Rehab Staff